Authorization for Health Care Power of Attorney or Legal Guardian to Access Health Information in My UNC Chart

This form may only be completed by an individual ("Legal Proxy") who has the valid legal documents to act:
- • as a Health Care Power of Attorney or Permanent Legal Guardian for the patient identified below (“Patient”), who is: (1) 18 years or older; and (2) cannot make and communicate his/her health care decisions or has been declared incompetent by a court with jurisdiction over Patient; or
- • a Permanent Legal Guardian for Patient who is: (1) an emancipated minor; and (2) has been declared incompetent by a court with jurisdiction over Patient.
The Legal Proxy should complete this form if the Legal Proxy wants access to portions of the patient’s electronic protected health information maintained through My UNC Chart. Since the patient cannot make and communicate his/her health care decisions, the patient will not have his/her own My UNC Chart account.